Acting Chief Justice Marvic M.V.F. Leonen speaks before Supreme Court officials on the second day of the Operational Process Management workshop at the Supreme Court Training Center on June 7, 2023. (Courtesy of the Supreme Court Public Information Office)

The Supreme Court, through the Office of Administrative Services, conducted a three-day workshop involving Supreme Court officials to ensure alignment of the Court’s existing processes with the objectives of the Strategic Plan for Judicial Innovations 2022-2027 (SPJI), the Supreme Court’s blueprint for judicial reform.

One of the target outcomes of the SPJI is Efficiency, to be achieved  through streamlined courts systems, both adjudicative and administrative, and effective monitoring and evaluation of the performance of justices, judges, and court officials and personnel.

Speaking on the second day of the workshop, Acting Chief Justice Marvic M.V.F. Leonen implored Supreme Court officials to lead the efforts in making the Court’s processes efficient, resulting in the people’s increased access to justice. He also encouraged the participants to open their minds to innovation, including being willing to let go of old, ineffective practices.

Over the course of three days, Supreme Court officials learned about new frameworks and approaches towards lean management, productivity, and quality improvement. The officials also reviewed the processes of their respective offices to identify opportunities for improvement. Towards the end of the workshop, the officials formulated a continuous operational process improvement plan for implementation in their respective offices.

Another batch of workshop will be held within the month for other Supreme Court employees.

The System-Wide Process Mapping is part of the Judiciary-Wide Organizational Review and Restructuring under the SPJI. The System-Wide Process Mapping shall serve as the basis for the digital infrastructure that will be developed to run re-engineered court systems. It will also provide guidance in the formulation of performance metrics.

The System-Wide Process Mapping will be complemented by a Competency Framework Assessment and Recommendation, Human Resource Performance Management System and Plan, Reorganization Plan with Change Management Strategy, and Public Service Continuity Plan. (Courtesy of the Supreme Court Public Information Office)