By a unanimous vote of 15-0, the Supreme Court En Banc resolved to disbar Atty. Lorenzo “Larry” Gadon for the viral video clip where he repeatedly cursed and uttered profane remarks against journalist Raissa Robles. The Court had motu proprio taken cognizance of the video clip and issued an earlier order of preventive suspension from the practice of law against Gadon pending a judgment in the case.

The Court found the subject video clip as “indisputably scandalous that it discredits the legal profession.” In particular, the Court cited Gadon for violating Canon II on Propriety, of the Code of Professional Responsibility and Accountability, which imposes the standard that “[a] lawyer shall, at all times, act with propriety and maintain the appearance of propriety in personal and professional dealings, observe honesty, respect and courtesy, and uphold the dignity of the legal profession consistent with the highest standards of ethical behavior.” The Court pointed out that Gadon unfortunately failed to realize that lawyers are expected to avoid scandalous behavior, whether in their public or private life.

Gadon has been previously convicted by the Court and suspended from the practice of law for 3 months for similarly using offensive and intemperate language, and was warned that a repetition of the same offense will merit a more severe sanction. There are 6 other administrative cases pending before the Office of the Bar Confidant against Gadon, and 4 before the Commission on Bar Discipline of the Integrated Bar of the Philippines. The court thus concluded “Although these cases have yet to be decided, the volume of administrative complaints filed against Atty. Gadon indubitably speaks of his character.”

The Court, in the same decision, cited Gadon in direct contempt of court for his baseless allegations of partiality and bias against Senior Associate Justice Marvic MVF Leonen and Associate Justice Alfredo Benjamin Caguioa. Gadon sought to inhibit the 2 Justices from acting on the case on grounds which the Court found to be purely conjecture.

The unanimous ruling ended with this reminder to all lawyers: “The privilege to practice law is bestowed only upon individuals who are competent intellectually, academically and, equally important, morally. xxx xxx xxx There is no room in this noble profession for misogyny and sexism. The Court will never tolerate abuse, in whatever form, especially when perpetrated by an officer of the court.”

The case is docketed as A.C. No. 13521 [Formerly A.M. No. 21-12-05-SC] (Re: Resolution dated January 4, 2022 in A.M. No. 21-12-05-SC against Atty. Lorenzo G. Gadon) and was decided by the court on June 27, 2023.